
Legal Notice
Responsible for the contents according to § 55 paragraph. 2 RStV:

Martin Schmitt, Architect
Prinzenstr. 84.1
10969 Berlin

T    +49 30 6980 7761 – 0
@   info(at)m2sb.de

VAT Identification Number: 14 / 514 / 00516

Martin Schmitt has been a registered member of the Architektenkammer Berlin (Berlin Chamber of Architects, architects list no. 12762) since June 27, 2008. The occupational title “Architect” was awarded to him in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Martin Schmitt is subject to the following professional regulations:

  • Berliner Architekten- und Baukammergesetz (ABKG, Berlin Chamber of Architects and Construction Law)
  • Satzung der Architektenkammer Berlin (statute of the Berlin Chamber of Architects)
  • Berufsordnung der Architektenkammer Berlin (professional code of conduct of the Berlin Chamber of Architects)

Architektenkammer Berlin
Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts
Vertreten durch den Präsidenten Dipl.-Ing. Klaus Meier-Hartmann
Alte Jakobstraße 149
10969 Berlin

The works shown on www.m2sb.de are subject to copyright and may not be used or reproduced without permission.

Liability Notice
Despite the careful control of content, Martin Schmitt assumes no liability for the content of external links. The sole responsibility for the content of linked pages remains with their operators.

Concept & Design
Daniel Schöps
Berthold Fuchs
Immo Seebörger

Daniel Schöps
Berthold Fuchs

English Translation
Inez H. Templeton
DeepL Translate